Fallout is a series of post-apocalyptic action role-playing game that is developed by Bethesda Softworks. Fallout 76 is the latest addition in the series Fallout series and is available for all major platforms, including Microsoft Windows, Xbox One and Play Station 4. After its release in 2018, it received widespread acclamation for good graphics and a eat questline. But also received negative reviews due to lack of Non-Playing Characters in the game and the lack of support that other developers did provide with their game.

Fallout 76 introduced new content in the game that is Wastelanders. After the updates, the gamers are busy with the latest features that keep the mind staggering for a while, what to do next? Well, some users are experiencing error CE-34878-0 when signing in to Fallout 76 game for the first time. So in this guide, we will guide on how to fix Error CE-34878-0 in the new series of Fallout 76 Wastelanders.

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Steps to Fix Error CE-34878-0 in Fallout 76 Wastelanders

We will be listing different kinds of tips to help you rectify the said issue. The basic fix involves restarting the game once. If that does the job for you, well and good, otherwise follow the below methods to fix the Fallout 76 Error Code CE-34878-0. On the other hand, if your PS4 is slow, then check out the steps to fix PlayStation Lagging or Slowing problems.

This works for most users in Reddit:

Fix 1: Update PlayStation 4 System Software

It might happen that you are using an older version of PlayStation 4 software. Or if you haven’t updated the game in quite a while, then it might give out an error or two. A new update of any game not only adds new features but also fixes bugs and brings about stability improvement. So it is highly recommended to do so. Follow the below instructions to do it:

Sometimes this works. Sometimes.

Close the game. Open a different online game and let it fully connect to its game server. Close said game and try to open and sign back into fo76.

If this doesn’t work try the below fix.

  • Exit the game and go to the PlayStation home screen.
  • Now select the game you were playing and press the Options button.
  • Next up, select Check for Update. Wait for some time till PlayStation finds an update and applies it.
  • Once that is done, click on the Settings option at the top of the PlayStation screen.
  • Select the System Software option and wait for the process to complete.
  • When that’s done, restart your PlayStation once. This should fix the Fallout 76 Error Code CE-34878-0. If not, then follow the next method given below.

Fix 2: Turn off Face Recognition

If updating the game as well as the PS 4 didn’t manage to correct your error, then you probably have to disable the face recognition feature. To do so, follow the below instructions:

  • Head over to the Play Station home-screen and select Settings.
  • Then from the Setting menu, select User.
  • Next up, select Login Settings and look out for the Enable Face Recognition option.
  • Disable the toggle next to it. Fixed the Fallout 76 Error Code CE-34878-0? If not, then try the next fix which we have mentioned below.

Fix 3: Reinstall Original HDD

Have you recently upgraded your Hard Disk Drive in PlayStation 4? If yes, then that might also be the cause of the above-mentioned error code. Therefore, it is recommended to reinstall the original HDD. After doing the same, you should be able to deal with the Fallout 76 Error CE-34878-0 and henceforth fix it. if not, try the next method mentioned below.

Fix 4: Initialize PS4

If none of the above methods managed to fix the PlayStation error, then its time to initialize your PS4. But before you do so, make sure to make a backup of all the data. once done, follow the below steps:

  • Head over to the Play Station 4 home screen and select Settings.
  • Next up, click on Initialization.
  • Finally, select the Initialize PS4 option. Wait for the process to get completed.


So with that, we conclude this guide on how to fix the Fallout 76 Error Code CE-34878-0. Do let us know which of the above methods managed to fix your issue. However, if the error still persists and as soon as you launch any application you get greeted with this error, then please contact the PlayStation Support to help you out. Rounding off, here are some iPhone Tips and Tricks, PC tips and tricks, and Android Tips and Tricks that you should check out as well.

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