If you are a PC gamer, then you will know about Apex Legend. It is a battle royal multiplayer game that is very popular now. To install Apex Legend, you will have to download the official Origin client, or you can use Steam for it. The game is very well made, and there are quite a few bugs. The most recent issue users are facing is the Apex Legends Anti-Cheat Error. The error shows up when you launch the game from the origin client, the game hung up for some time, and with no warning, the game shuts down and shows a prompt of the Anti-cheat error. If you close the game and origin client and try to launch the game, the error still persists.

The reason for the cause of the error is still not certain. Besides that, the Anti-cheat is not exactly an error code that specifies the parameter of the error. However, the nature of the error suggests that maybe the system requirements are not met, or it is possible due to server issues. However, to make sure the error is not causing due to any local issues or e to any application conflict, you can perform a few troubleshooting methods to fix the Apex Legends Anti-Cheat error.

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How to Fix Apex Legends Anti Cheat Error?

Apex Legends Anti Cheat Error is a common error gamers face. Although the error goes away with a simple game reboot, still, there are times when you need to take extra measures to fix the issue on your end.

Method 1: Running the Apex Legend and Origin Client as Administrator

If the game doesn’t have administrator privileges, the game might be unable to fetch system resources, and it will fail to execute. Therefore, you must allow the required permission for the game to run.

Before performing the methods, make sure that your Windows and your system drivers are all updated.


Step 1) Right-click on the Origin icon and select Run as Administrator and try to launch the game, check if the error has been resolved.

Step 2) If the error has not resolved, then try running the Apex Legend game as an administrator. Type Apex Legend in the Windows Search Bar, and once you see the game option, right-click on it and select Run as Administrator. Check if the error has been resolved after the game has been launched.

Method 2: Repair Apex Legends Game Files

If your game files have been corrupted, it may trigger the Anti-cheat error. You can use the Origin client to repair the Game files and resolve the issue.

Step 1) Firstly, right-click on the origin launcher icon and run as an Administrator, now navigate to the Game library.

Step 2) Select Apex Legends, right-click on it, and select Repair option from the menu.

Step 3) Wait for the repairing process to complete, then restart your PC. Launch the game and see if the error has been resolved or not.

Method 3: Reinstalling Apex Legends or the Origin Client

If there is any misconfiguration or corruption in your Apex Legend Game files or if your client is damaged, then reinstalling is the best option you have. However, you can first try reinstalling Apex Legends to check if the error has been resolved. If not, then try both.

Step 1) To uninstall Apex Legends, firstly launch the Origin client, go to My Game Library. Right-click on the Apex Legend and select Uninstall. This will uninstall most of your game files.

Step 2) To wipe out Apex Legend completely from your device, open the path C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games, select the Apex Legend folder by pressing the Delete button or right-click and select Delete. 

You can reinstall the game again and try launching it, see if the error has been resolved or not. If the issue still persists, then proceed to reinstall the Origin Client.

Step 3) Type Control Panel in the Windows Search bar and click on the first option to open up the Control Panel. Under the Program, option-click on Uninstall a program option.

Note: The Control panel view can look different on your PC if you are using the default Windows theme.

Step 4) Locate the Origin application and right-click on it, select Uninstall, follow the usual instructions to uninstall, then restart your PC.

Step 5) After reboot, launch the File Explorer and go to the following path, then delete the Origin folder there.


Step 5) Navigate to the %AppData% path and, in the Roaming folder, delete the Origin folder. Click on the AppData folder in the address bar and go to the Local folder. Delete the Origin folder there as well. After deleting all the folders, restart your device.

Download and install the Origin client again, run the client as an administrator, install the game, and launch it. This should resolve the Anti-cheat Error.

Also Read: Fix: Unable to Play Apex Legends on PS4/PS5 (lobby screen error)

Method 4: Disabling your Antivirus/Firewall

It is possible that your Windows defender and firewall are in conflict with Apex Legends. Therefore Open up the windows Settings, go to Windows & update. Select the Windows Security tab, and on the right pane, click on the Virus and threat protection option.

Scroll down, and click on the Manage settings options under the Virus & Threat Protection Settings.

Toggle off the real-time protection option. To disable the firewall, click on the firewall option on the Windows Security page and disable it there.


Apex Legends Anti Cheat error is a common error many games face while playing the game. Thankfully the issues will be solved after you try all these methods. The main root of the cause is still unknown, but you can try the troubleshooting methods above to fix the problem on your end until Apex Legends developers release a patch for the same.

If you are using a third-party application, make sure to disable the application and then launch the Apex Legends. This should resolve your issue if the game was in conflict with Firewall and Antivirus.

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